103 - Just your imagination

Where's Dim Sum? #103 - Just your imagination

"Drake, my dearest.... Does my behind look fat?"
"No, Ducky, my darling.... It's just your imagination."

"Drake, my dearest.... Are you bored with me?"
"No, Ducky, my darling.... It's just your imagination."

"Drake, my dearest.... Did you hear a meow?"
"No, Ducky, my darling.... It's just your imagination."

I have a less innocent version of the story (to go with a less innocent version of the pic), but I thought I'd better keep this blog PG. Out of four sims, this one is Adult, but it still looks pretty benign.

Drake and Ducky's conversation is very loosely based on an actual conversation. Well, actually, just the middle part. And he did say it was just my imagination. But when I asked the first question, he simply said, "Yes." So I went into Appearance and adjusted my butt size.

"Drake, my dearest.... Are you paying attention?"
"No, Ducky, my darling.... It's just your imagination."

location: Wabe at the End of Time (Adult)

Technical notes

windlight: Phototools- Lo Light 03 (modified)
water: Phototools- Ship Light

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