271 - Myrrha

Where's Dim Sum? #271 - Myrrha

Dim Sum climbs the tree and waits patiently for the firemen to rescue her.

It looks like I can only do three this week. Till next time!

This is a Linden art sim, featuring exhibits by the 2Lei organization "with the aim of sensitizing the people organizing and publicizing shows and events related to the 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women'."

More details in the 2Lei in SL website. (Tip: Use Google to translate from Italian.)

The sculpture "BGC Immortal Tree" was created by Krikket Blackheart (Better Gnomes and Cauldrons).

location: Rebirth... together! by 2Lei in Second Life

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - STUDIO3 (modified)
water: Valdez (modified)

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