275 - Calm down, Uncle.

Where's Dim Sum? #275 - Calm down, Uncle.

Calm down, Uncle! Don't you recognize me?

The sim has a lot of these birds flying around. Too much clutter for a picture though. I was lucky to catch this one with just one bird, without having to derender the entire slew of them.

The tiger and the tree trunk suggested the composition already, but it was very difficult to find a good windlight for this. In a sense, I switched the focus to the "frame", instead of the ruins near the middle of the image. The tiger blends in with the tree trunk, unfortunately, but the blue bird added a nice spot of color and balance.

The "ACS Jungle - Tiger" was created by Alex ACS (ACS).

location: Bastet's Paradise

Technical notes

windlight: Phototools- Dream Book Light 03 (modified)


274 - In the jungle, the mighty jungle

Where's Dim Sum? #274 - In the jungle, the mighty jungle

Dim Sum guards the end of the bridge to start charging toll. But nobody comes.

I think this image captures the feel of the sim best. There is a great variety of flora. Not too crowded with trees. And I love how the colors of the ruins blend in with the surrounding plants while adding a touch of otherworldliness, if there is such a word, with the smudges of bright blue.

The "ACS Jungle - Moss Bridge" was created by Alex ACS (ACS).

location: Bastet's Paradise

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - STUDIO3 (modified)
water: Nacon's Water

273 - Ruins through ruins

Where's Dim Sum? #273 - Ruins through ruins

Dim Sum warms herself by the fire, grateful that someone built one in the middle of a jungle.

I'm guessing that this sim was commissioned. The profile of the creator of the objects does not advertise any store. And digging through his profile, I found one where all of them have the last name "ACS" so that's a custom last name, and usually individuals cannot afford custom last names. So ACS must be a company somewhere, probably Japan. Please comment below if you know anything about them.

The "ACS Jungle - Castle Ruin Parts" was created by Alex ACS (ACS).

location: Bastet's Paradise

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - STUDIO3 (modified)

272 - Tree in Paradise

Where's Dim Sum? #272 - Tree in Paradise

Dim Sum sleepily gazes at the reflections on the water.

I had to derez the sim surround because it was feeling very crowded. It's actually a jungle and it's the best jungle I've seen in SL, although there were things that were really anachronistic, like the photo studio and the scifi-looking pod-homes.

location: Bastet's Paradise

Technical notes

windlight: Fine Day (modified)
water: Default (modified)


271 - Myrrha

Where's Dim Sum? #271 - Myrrha

Dim Sum climbs the tree and waits patiently for the firemen to rescue her.

It looks like I can only do three this week. Till next time!

This is a Linden art sim, featuring exhibits by the 2Lei organization "with the aim of sensitizing the people organizing and publicizing shows and events related to the 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women'."

More details in the 2Lei in SL website. (Tip: Use Google to translate from Italian.)

The sculpture "BGC Immortal Tree" was created by Krikket Blackheart (Better Gnomes and Cauldrons).

location: Rebirth... together! by 2Lei in Second Life

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - STUDIO3 (modified)
water: Valdez (modified)

270 - The (Re)Birth of (the Broken) Venus

Where's Dim Sum? #270 - The (Re)Birth of (the Broken) Venus

Dim Sum snuggles in the rocks, strangely feeling warm and cuddled.

This is a Linden art sim, featuring exhibits by the 2Lei organization "with the aim of sensitizing the people organizing and publicizing shows and events related to the 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women'."

More details in the 2Lei in SL website. (Tip: Use Google to translate from Italian.)

The sculpture "E' cosi' vero che non ha senso_Mesh_2014" was created by Mistero Hifeng (Cammino e Vivo Capovolto -Digital Art -).

location: Rebirth... together! by 2Lei in Second Life

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - STUDIO3 (modified)
water: Valdez (modified)

269 - Giant red-orange poppy

Where's Dim Sum? #269 - Giant red-orange poppy

Dim Sum blinks and wonders if a giant poppy is still edible.

This is a Linden art sim, featuring exhibits by the 2Lei organization "with the aim of sensitizing the people organizing and publicizing shows and events related to the 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women'."

More details in the 2Lei in SL website. (Tip: Use Google to translate from Italian.)

The poppy "Papaveri DEF" was created by Aliza Karu (AD Creations).

location: Rebirth... together! by 2Lei in Second Life

Technical notes

windlight: Coastal Afternoon (modified)
water: Valdez (modified)


268 - Baby's reflection

Where's Dim Sum? #268 - Baby's reflection

Dim Sum watches the elephants bathe. They haven't squirted her yet, but she's ready to run if they do.

The elephants are set to full bright, so it was a little trickier to do shadows. And for some reason,  I can't get very good reflections anymore. Maybe it's my new machine. I should do more reflections as a challenge to myself.

The elephants were created by Jon Haskell (AAA Sculpty Creations Animals).

location: The Bay

Technical notes

windlight: Sheer Surreality (modified)
water: Valdez (modified)

267 - Echo of a tree

Where's Dim Sum? #267 - Echo of a tree

Dim Sum patiently waits for the morning sun to move and get to her spot, as she enjoys the view from her high perch.

This scene was difficult to light because the big cliff rock reflects too much light compared to everything else.

The tree is part of "The Faery Ring from Studio Skye" created by Alex Bader (Studio Skye).

location: The Bay

Technical notes

windlight: Sheer Surreality (modified)
water: Nacon's Water

266 The toucan and the picture porthole

Where's Dim Sum? #266 The toucan and the picture porthole

Dim Sum pokes her head in a creaky old ship and found very comfy cushions.

After hanging out with Mz and her other friends at the members-only dungeon, I went out and explored. This image was taken inside a big old pirate boat, propped up on land. Cool concept.

To learn more about the sim, go to http://conservelandscaping.wordpress.com/thebay/tb-general-information-and-rules/

The "Shipwreck Mainframe MESH" was created by Eduardos Ducatillon (HeadHunter's Island).

location: The Bay

Technical notes

windlight: Sheer Surreality (modified)
water: Nacon's Water

265 - Meanwhile, ....

Where's Dim Sum? #265 - Meanwhile, ....

Dim Sum escapes the dungeon inside the mines for wide open spaces.

I have no idea what to title this image. And "Meanwhile, ...." sounded intriguing.

The Bay is a new pirate-themed sim built by Mz Marville. Her landscapes always have a certain peaceful feeling to them.

location: The Bay

Technical notes

windlight: Sheer Surreality (modified)
water: Nacon's Water

370 - Eggs and bunnies and peeps (360°)

Dim Sum joins the peeps who wanna be bunnies. At least for Easter. For non-US folks, "peeps" are marshmallow candies shaped l...