317 - Inspecting the stage

Where's Dim Sum? #317 - Inspecting the stage

Dim Sum quietly listens as the two DJs discuss their music selections and upcoming shows on this same stage. Now, if she could only convince them to play cat music....

Gaia was the first to arrive and to chat me up because I'm a fellow feline. Then Nadja arrived to check out the stage. It turned out that they were both DJs who had shows that same morning, one after the other. So I got them to stand by the stage for a picture while they talked about music.

The "Ruthian Mural" was created by sylver.bu (Kinzart Kreetures).

  • gaiakitten (center), an indie musician/producer from the UK
  • nadja70186 (left), a DJ from Los Angeles, California
location: SL12B Dazzle

Technical notes

windlight: Fine Day (modified)

316 - Gingivitis Express

Where's Dim Sum? #316 - Gingivitis Express

Dim Sum wonders if a dog biscuit could help clean this train's teeth. Or is it too late?

This is actually the front end of the train from #315. What seems like an ordinary train materializing from nowhere (well, alright, so that in itself is not really "ordinary") is actually this one-eyed monster whose front grills are decaying teeth. And that's not the only thing decaying about this train. I discovered something even more grisly in one of the cars ... a pile of decaying .... Well, maybe you should find out yourself. ;)

The train "Geisterbahn AKA: George" was created by faust.steamer (Contraption).

location: SL12B Beguile

Technical notes

windlight: Ambient Dark (modified)

315 - Are you sure the porter loaded our luggage on the train? Yes, dear.

Where's Dim Sum? #315 - Are you sure the porter loaded our luggage on the train? Yes, dear.

Dim Sum sits by the pretty wrought-iron trolley as the train starts to leave the station.

I love the wrought-iron designs on the cart and on the arches (see the shadow on the ground), although the arch design might just be a texture. I didn't check. :\

The "8f8 - unexpected Journey - All My Stuff Luggage TROLLEY - His" was created by 8f8.

location: SL12B Beguile

Technical notes

windlight: AnaLutetia - AvatarOpt (modified)


314 - Violence destroys us all

Where's Dim Sum? #314 - Violence destroys us all

Dim Sum feels the oppression of the one on the ground and would have clawed the face of the oppressor, except the face was already blown to pieces. 

This is my least favorite in this set, mostly because I feel strong empathy here. But most of the other sculptures are depressing anyway.

All sculptures were created by Mistero Hifeng.

location: Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Technical notes

windlight: [AnaLu] outdoor night (modified)
water: Glassy

313 - Losing face

Where's Dim Sum? #313 - Losing face

Dim Sum feels like she's intruding in a private and sad moment.

The blown face here was symbolic, I thought. I imagined that it symbolized losing face or being embarrassed or being dishonored. And this dishonor is why the woman is sad, but the man stoically faces this tragedy, although his fist shows some anger, so it was probably some injustice that caused it.

Isn't it wonderful that there are full stories in each of these sculptures?

All sculptures were created by Mistero Hifeng.

location: Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Technical notes

windlight: [AnaLu] outdoor night (modified)
water: Glassy

312 - Disintegrating horae

Where's Dim Sum? #312 - Disintegrating horae

Dim Sum takes shelter from the downpour.

I love these disintegrating clocks. At first, I didn't know what to make of these "ghosts" with umbrellas, but then I thought of the Horae (hours) of Ancient Greek/Roman mythology. One or two are missing. Missing time? Lost time? Disintegrating time?

Well, that's my interpretation anyway.

All sculptures were created by Mistero Hifeng.

location: Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Technical notes

windlight: [AnaLu] outdoor night (modified)
water: Glassy

311 - Kyrie, eleison

Where's Dim Sum? #311 - Kyrie, eleison

Dim Sum wipes the drop on her cheek with her paw.

This art exhibit has some very powerful themes -- loss, sadness, violence.

The only thing was that these sculptures were all crowded in the area so I had to derender a lot of objects in order to get the focus on just one thing.

All sculptures were created by Mistero Hifeng.

location: Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Technical notes

windlight: [AnaLu] shadows (modified)
water: Glassy

370 - Eggs and bunnies and peeps (360°)

Dim Sum joins the peeps who wanna be bunnies. At least for Easter. For non-US folks, "peeps" are marshmallow candies shaped l...