253 - Afternoon with a Gypsy

Where's Dim Sum? #253 - Afternoon with a Gypsy

Dim Sum watches the marionette Gypsy move her hips mechanically and wonders if she's angry because her only audience is a cat.

It's been a long while, I know. Real life intervened. Actually, I was taking an online course to learn Scala, so I was studying and doing homework almost every night and definitely every weekend. There wasn't time for much else.

That was for 7 weeks. Then I took a breather.

In fact, it's difficult coming back to this project. My muse is calling me elsewhere. I'm not making any breakthroughs in this project anymore. I haven't for a while. Even after a hiatus.

So I'm going to plug along when I have time, but Dim Sum will be roaming less often as I follow my muse.

The "Toybox Caravan BE" was created by Xavier Novelli (Dwelling Quay).
The "Sa'ng Fori Design -Belly Dancer-" was created by Kim Lefavre (Sa'ng Fori Design).

location: Caelestium Isle

Technical notes

windlight: Places Alirium (modified)

370 - Eggs and bunnies and peeps (360°)

Dim Sum joins the peeps who wanna be bunnies. At least for Easter. For non-US folks, "peeps" are marshmallow candies shaped l...