035 - Intimate arches

Where's Dim Sum? #035 - Intimate arches

Dim Sum rests in the shade, eyeing the picture on the wall.

Featuring photography by Landmire Ireman (even though it's blurred here).

This is Mz Marville's home and I'm not sure if it's off-limits, so the SLURL below will take you to the base of the mountain. I've actually already featured her home in my "Talk, Like Dim Sum" interview with her and Landmire.

This is my second entry for the Maria Lynn Villa contest.

location: Maria Lynn Villa (the SLURL will take you to the base of the mountain)

Technical notes

windlight: [TOR] SUNRISE - Desert (modified)

Depth of Field:
View angle: 0.505
FOV: 55.8
F-number: 6.43
Foc Length: 285
Foc Time: 0.8
CoC: 7.0
Resolution: 1.0
Aspect Ratio: 1.0

Glow Settings:
Quality: 8
Iterations: 10
Strength: 0.2
Luminance: 0.75
Warmth: 5.0
Width: 0.5
Alpha: 0.15

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